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Your Olive Tree

We are thrilled to have you onboard this project of “Mia Elia”. Your contribution is invaluable.

Are you eager to get to know your olive tree a little better?
We are presenting a few characteristics of your tree and the surrounding environment. For any changes throughout the year, we will keep you updated.

Your Tree
Age: 357 years old
Trunk Perimeter: 1,8m
Trunk Radius: 286mm
Height: 4,25m
Branches: 5
Date of Harvest: 18/11/2022
Date of Production: 18/11/2022
Date of Pruning & fertilizing: 19/3/2021

The tree’s age is estimated by its perimeter. This is the only way to assume the age of the tree without hurting it.

Veranda Grove

The Grove

Your tree belongs to Veranda grove. The trees in the “Veranda” grove sit on a hilltop overlooking Trigonas village. The stone terraces that support the trees, give a general feeling of being on a veranda, where the light breeze and the fresh oxygen, trigger all senses. Our grandfather told us that, in order to build the terraces they walked about 7km far away from our village and collected the stones by cutting this big rock and took them back to the groves by donkeys.

For more information or any question, feel free to contact us. You can also visit your adopted tree at any time of the year. We renew our commitment to take the best care of it and we will contact you again soon for more updates.

Where is my tree?

The coordinates of your olive tree are 38.982239, 26.412108 .


December - 2023 Your adopted olive tree shares its harvest tale, a bit lighter this year due to climate shifts. Yet, our care ensures the olives retain their exceptional quality, a testament to our enduring connection with the land.

November - 2023 In the enchanting month of November, we joyfully nurture your beloved olive trees, Its time to handpick the olives, transforming them into a golden elixir that encapsulates our team's boundless happiness and enthusiasm.

October - 2023 October marks an exciting time in our Lesvos grove as we begin the olive harvest. Your tree isheavy with olives, and the island is bustling with activity. This is when your support truly shines as we gather the fruits of our labor.

September - 2023 September graces our Lesvos grove with tranquility as olives ripen for harvest. Explore this serene island's natural beauty and Greek hospitality. Let's celebrate the upcoming harvest

August - 2023 August brings perfect conditions to our Lesvos grove. Olives are maturing as the island comes alive with festivals celebrating Greek culture. 🍈🍂

July - 2023 Your adopted olive tree is thriving under the Aegean sun, with olives starting to form. 🫒This month is crucial for their growth, ensuring a delicious harvest. Your support means the world to us as we sustain this Greek tradition

June -2023 As June rolls in - even from far away hope you picture the bright green leaves swaying in the warm summer breeze. Waiting for you to visit to see its progress in person.

May 2023 May is a special time for your adopted olive tree in Lesvos. This is when the small, immature olives start to appear, reminding me of the delicious olive oil that I'll have in the fall, straight from my own tree.

Apr -2023 April, is an exciting month! As the weather warms up, you can almost feel the buzz of activity in your adopted tree as its branches start to sprout small flowers, signaling the start of a new growing season. It's amazing to think that these delicate blooms will eventually transform into plump olives that will be pressed into the high-quality olive oil you'll get to enjoy

Mar -2023 This month marks the start of pruning season. We carefully trim your olive tree to ensure optimal growth and ultimately a bountiful olive harvest in the fall.

Feb -2023 Febuary in Lesvos is a month full of cold! Yes, cold! Rain, snow and a little bit of sunshine! Oh, well betters days will come and your tree will be surronded by beautiful flowers!

Jan -2023 By keeping extra virgin olive oil stored in stainless steel tanks away from sun, heat and oxygen is the best way to store it. Bottling will start soon.

Dec -2022 It's just the most wonderful time of the Year! Of course it is! Your trees' Extra Virgin Olive oil has been made and you are close to enjoying it!

Nove -2022 Harvesting with the view of Aegesn Sea. Your tree overviewing this breathtaking view...the luckiest to be!

Oct -2022: First day of harvest! Team work keeps our excitment levels high

Sep -2022:Severe lack of rainfall have taken a toll. Harvest will take place earlier this year!

Aug -2022 Your olive tree is having a great time growing while gazing the sparking Aegean sea! So are we! Its holiday time!

July -2022 The maintenace of the grass is on going! The best way to increase water content in the soil.

June -2022 A month and so has passed with a lot of weather's ups and down and much more stress! Thankfully, good nutritional and hydration positively affects the tree's resistance to biotic and abiotic stress

May -2022 Flowering is over, and fruit is getting set. Unusual high temperatures and low humidity lowers the hydric status of the olive tree and cause the tree itself to discard many more fruits than it would discard with good temperature and humidity conditions. Lets hope this high temperature doesn't last for several days!

April -2022 favorite season. What's your favorite? Your tree for sure loves' blooming in Greece. Not vey high temperatures during the day with a nice breeze in the morning and after sunset.

Mar -2022 Its pruning period! Lets cut off the unneeded branches in order to give a boost to your tree! Although wind is not with our side! Making it very difficult to climb up your tall tree!

Feb -2022 Bottling has started! if only i could send you the smell of your trees' fresh olive oil! Its magic! And in a few weeks you will be enjoying its smell and great taste!

Jan -2022 Giving time for your fresh extra virgin olive oil to settle down in the stainless stain tanks is a very important step. So lets give it a bit more time!

Dec -2021 Almost two months of really hard work, this years' harvest has come to an end! Oh, your beautiful tree was treated gently and this years' results are super healthy! A slight bitter aftertaste that will pinch your throat is a good sign! Its the healthy polyphenols!

Nov -2021 First day of harvest! Its the most wonderful time of the year! ❤

Oct -2021 Everything checked : nets, crates, equipment, happy faces, family and of course Milo our dog! Harvest is almost here!

Sep -2021 September.. last month of summer and last month for our olive trees to grow their fruits! The hardy wild grasses that thrive in our groves are ideal for grazing by animals, sheep and goats mostly that came along all over the year! Although now they have to be removed in order to have a clean grove when harvesting starts.

Aug -2021 Beach is calling! Come and join us for a swim at our beautiful beach Agios Isidoros, Plomari and a enjoy a glass of ouzo (traditional local drink) during sunset!

July -2021 We are in the middle of summer! Although olive trees are the most drought-resistant trees in the world, temperature has increased and keeping soils' ph at a balance is now very critical in order to grow healthy fruits!

June -2021 Time has come for your tree to enjoy Greece's' sun! The olive flowers have dropped and fruit has started growing!

May -2021 Ready to celebrate with us?? Your trees' extra virgin olive oil got a metal! It's awarded for unique quality in one of the most important olive oil tasting competitions in the world, the Berlin International Olive Oil Awards (Berlin GOOA), winning a Gold Award!

Apr -2021 We are getting ready for Easter! Check out our blog post and read about our traditions! At the meantime our olive trees are enjoying the warm sun while blooming!

Apr -2021 Pruning and fertilizing are still in progress. All of our hilltops are full of grass and flowers! That's a sign to insure that we do not use any chemicals to get rid of flies, grass or any tree disease.

Mar -2021 First day of pruning. Your tree is not very pretty at the moment! It looks like you've been to the hairdresser and had a "chopped" haircut!! Although, its the most important step in order to grow healthy olives! Unnecessary branches are removed in order to expose the whole tree to sunlight!

Feb -2021 Parcels are on their way! Your personal tree tender will inform you! So keep an eye on your emails ❤

Feb -2021 Snow has fallen!! Koukoumaries grove is approached only by a 4x4 off road car! Veranda Grove and our beautiful village are in the freezer and have welcomed rain at the time! For the olive trees, both rain and snow, are salutary.

Feb -2021 All necessary elements for packaging are here!! Tree photos from recycled paper, carton boxes to keep your tins and bottles safe to travel and of course the small white boxes ready to get decorated! Everything is hand made!

Jan -2021 First day of bottling harvest 2020-2021 and we are so excited!

Dec -2020 Your fresh extra virgin olive oil is  stored in special stainless steel tanks in certain conditions. That's how we keep high quality till it comes to your table.

Dec -2020 After every harvest, the olive oil productions begins! Fresh olives are pressed and their precious extract pours out in glory!


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